Press Releases


Published date : 14 March, 2013

Speaking on the one year anniversary of Perth receiving official city status once more, the Scottish National Party’s Mr Pete Wishart MP, Member of Parliament for Perth & North Perthshire, said:

“Official city status for Perth was always something that needed to be officially recognised rather than a target to be achieved

“As one of Scotland’s historic cities, with a Royal Charter dating back over 800 years, we are a pretty elderly one year old but it was nevertheless a fantastic day when that official recognition of our historic status was finally provided and the Fair City became an official city once more.

“There was a great deal of work by a lot of people that went into making that day possible.  It was fantastic that the whole of Scotland got behind Perth’s bid and a lot of lobbying was required to ensure that more than just one city from the whole of the UK was picked.

“So, it is good to look back on that day, to celebrate a year’s anniversary of a significant milestone in the city’s development and look to the future with confidence.

“The past year has already seen some of the more tangible benefits of city status with Perth securing access to particular sources of funding, for example, that would not have otherwise been available without it.

“As we look to the future, I am confident that city status will also be of benefit as Perth seeks to attract prestige national developments such as the National Performance Centre for Sports.”

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