Press Releases


Published date : 07 March, 2013

The Scottish National Party’s Mr Pete Wishart MP, Member of Parliament for Perth & North Perthshire, has welcomed news that three groups from his constituency have recently been successful in securing a total of £24,100 funding from Awards for All.

Mr Wishart said:

“These are three very different groups doing very different things but one thing unites them – they are volunteers giving of their time and effort to do good for others.  I know that all three organisations will make very good use of the money they have been awarded.

“Good training is key to the service that Cruse provides to people trying to deal with bereavement and this award will help fund the costs of providing that training to their volunteers.

“Aberfeldy lit a beacon as the first FairTrade town in Scotland so I am delighted that as Scotland secures FairTrade nation status, the local Traidcraft group should be given a grant which will help them to further promote fairtrade amongst local young people.

“Last, but not least, the award received by Special Treats will help them buy a minibus which will surely make those treats they are able to provide to their elderly members that little bit more special still.

“Very well done to everyone involved in securing this funding for these three fantastic local organisations.”

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