Press Releases


Published date : 19 November, 2014

Reflecting on the extremely successful and well-attended SNP conference held in the Perth Concert Hall at the end of last week, the Scottish National Party’s Mr Pete Wishart has pledged to ensure that conference continues to return to Perth on a regular basis.

Mr Wishart said:

“This year’s Annual Conference was a massive success for the Scottish National Party with a huge number of delegates and visitors enjoying the sight of a party very much on the rise, welcoming membership figures surpassing 85,000 and witnessing the transfer of the baton of leadership from Alex Salmond to Nicola Sturgeon, the first woman to lead the SNP and our country’s first female First Minister.

“Just as SNP delegates had a great conference, I am sure that many local businesses did as well with the thousands of delegates, press and other visitors contributing to the local economy in B&Bs, hotels, shops, bars, restaurants and taxi drivers all benefiting.

“Perth has been the scene of many a historic moment at SNP conferences down the years and I know that I know that my colleagues from around the country love coming to Perth and appreciate the facilities that are on offer in Perth.

“As the SNP continues to grow, there will be challenges for us ahead in terms of the size of venue that is needed for some of our national events but, as a member of the party’s National Executive Committee, I will be seeking to ensure that Perth remains what it has become, the SNP’s favourite Conference City.”

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