Press Releases


Published date : 09 January, 2015

Mr Pete Wishart MP, Member of Parliament for Perth & North Perthshire recycled his Christmas cards at the card bank in Sainsbury’s store on Blairgowrie High Street.  The recycled cards will help to support the work of FSC (the Forest Stewardship Council).

Mr Wishart met with staff at the store this morning (Friday).

Speaking ahead of his visit, Mr Wishart said:

“Christmas is over and, as the saying goes, it is back to old clothes and porridge.  Most of us will have packed the decorations away by now but there is always the issue of what to do with that pile of Christmas cards now they are no longer on display.

“Of course, some could be turned into home made gift tags but many are just destined for the bin.  I would, however, urge folk to recycle their old cards.

“A range of retailers have card recycling bins in their stores and most will be supporting worthy causes.  This year I am taking my cards to the recycle bin at Sainsbury’s in Blairgowrie and I am grateful for the opportunity to cut down on waste and to do some good at the same time.

The collected cards will be recycled by Sainsbury’s and it will make a donation to FSC UK in the New Year based on the volume of cards collected in its stores. Last year it donated over £9,000 to help FSC with its work to promote responsible management of the world’s forests.

“Customers have until Tuesday January 13th to bring in any of their old Christmas cards and wrapping paper to the collection box situated at the front of the store.

Rosie Teasdale, Deputy Director, FSC UK said:

“Sainsbury’s donation provides essential support for our education and awareness-raising work, helping us to support people in the UK protect the world’s forests. Recycling paper results in less waste going to landfill, it reduces the pressure on forests, and it’s helping to give future generations the gift of healthy forests.”

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