Press Releases


Published date : 10 March, 2015


The Scottish National Party’s Mr Pete Wishart MP, Member of Parliament for Perth & North Perthshire, has welcomed the latest stage in the dualling of the A9 with the announcement of a public consultation on various options for the junction at Dalwhinnie, just north of his constituency.

Speaking today, Mr Wishart urged interested constituents to participate in the consultation, saying:

“Every announcement of this nature is another step along the way to the day when the whole of the A9 between Perth and Inverness is dual carriageway.

“The number of possible options for the Dalwhinnie junction shows just how challenging some of the engineering and environmental issues are in relation to this work and I am pleased that those who use the road will have a say in the way in which it is developed.

“The A9 is an important national artery but it is also an important part of the way in which local folk go about their daily business.  The Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore stretch is just outside my constituency boundaries but I am sure that many of my constituents will have views that they wish to express so I am pleased that this consultation process is taking place.

“More information on that is available on the Transport Scotland website and I am also pleased to note that they are also publishing the first edition of a regular A9 dualling newsletter which will be sent to anyone who has expressed an interest in the dualling programme and will be available in libraries along the route and on the A9 dualling website.

“My constituents should also be aware that there are a number of public drop-in sessions coming up over the next few months that have been organised to give opportunity for local people to discuss – on an informal one-to-one basis – any issues or queries they have relating to the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing section".

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