Press Releases


Published date : 25 June, 2015

Mr Pete Wishart MP, the Scottish National Party Member of Parliament for Perth & North Perthshire, has welcomed the news that two organisations working with families in Perthshire have been successful in securing funding of nearly £20,000 from the Communities and Family Fund.

Speaking today (Thursday) Mr Wishart said:

“The Tayside Owl Group have been awarded £10,000 to run a 12 week forestry school project for families, who are being supported by Perth Women's Aid.  Meanwhile, Home-Start Perth - a group who provide support to families with children under five - received £9695 which they will use to extend their infant massage programme.

“The Communities and Families Fund brings together £4.5 million from Scottish Government and £1.5 million from the Big Lottery Fund into a £6 million fund which offers grassroots projects the chance to get funding of between £250 and £10,000. The fund is focused on improving early learning, health and wellbeing for children under eight years old by supporting them, their families and communities.

“I am delighted that two organisations doing such important work with young families in my constituency have been successful in securing this funding.”

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