Phase one : What changes?
Published date : 28 May, 2020
Today, the First Minister has outlined how we are to move into phase one of Scotland’s route map out of lockdown.
We are scheduled to begin with this process tomorrow (Friday 29th May 2020) . I know that you will welcome this, but it is important to fully understand what the small changes to the lockdown rules are and for each of us to continue to follow those rules.
Throughout phase one, it remains vital to respect the guidance, to continue respecting the personal space of other people, and to keep in mind that things are not back to normal and that things should and will not feel like normal.
You can watch the First Minister’s statement here. I strongly recommend watching it in full and reading the guidance which can be accessed on the Scottish Government website. I have also summarised today’s announcement below.
Although we have started on the path out of lockdown it is important that you continue to stay at home as much as possible. Lockdown has been modified slightly, but it is by no means over. This virus hasn’t gone away and we must all take care to protect ourselves and our families.
Remember that social distancing must remain. Stay at least 2 metres away from people outside your household, continue to wash your hands regularly, and wear a face covering in shops and on public transport.
We are only able to take these small steps forward now because of your adherence to the rules. I do not underestimate the personal sacrifices you are making through lockdown and thank you for your efforts. If we all continue to stick to the rules, then hopefully we can look forward to moving towards phase two sooner rather than later.
From tomorrow (Friday 29th May)
Business and public services
- Most outdoor work can resume.
- The construction industry can begin site preparation.
- Garden centres and plant nurseries can reopen some of their services.
- Drive through food outlets are no longer being discouraged to remain closed.
- Non-essential shops, pubs, restaurants & cafes—except for takeaway—must remain closed.
- Household waste recycling centres can reopen from Monday. Exact arrangements for Perthshire will be confirmed by Perth and Kinross Council. You should note that these centres will not be accepting all types of waste immediately and this will be phased, as laid out by the local authority. Do not travel to a centre before checking the Council website.
- Other business premises should remain closed unless they are providing essential goods and services.
- All businesses should continue to allow staff to work from home wherever possible.
Sport and recreation
- Some non-contact outdoor leisure activity will be allowed to restart, for example golf, tennis, bowls, and fishing.
- You can sit and sunbathe in parks & open areas.
- You can travel—preferably active travel such as cycling or walking—to a location near your local community for leisure & recreation. It is strongly encouraged that this should be no more than 5 miles from your home. You should stay within or close to local area and not use public transport unless absolutely necessary.
Social interaction
- You can meet with another household outdoors, for example in a park or a private garden. You should not be meeting multiple households at the same time and this should only be in small groups, the total number of people being no more than eight.
- You don’t have to pick just only one household to meet with during phase one, but you can only meet with one other household at a time and the strong advice is to limit this to one other household per day.
- You should continue to stay at least 2 metres away from others who are not members of your household and avoid touching the same hard surfaces. For example, if meeting for a barbecue, each household should have its own cutlery, plates, etc.
- If visiting another household it is vital that you don’t go indoors. Think practically—don’t visit another house if you think there’s a risk of you needing to enter their house to use their toilet for instance.
- Do not hug or touch people who are not part of your household. This is really difficult, but it is really crucial that social distancing remains in place at this time. Full guidance on this distancing is available on the Scottish Government’s website.

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