Press Releases

Wishart condemns Fraser for attending Europa League final in Seville while parliament is sitting

Published date : 18 May, 2022

News Release from Pete Wishart MP

Attn: News Desk                                                     For immediate release 18th May 2022

Wishart condemns Fraser for attending Europa League final in Seville while parliament is sitting



Mr Pete Wishart, SNP MP for Perth and North Perthshire, has condemned Murdo Fraser, Conservative MSP for Mid-Scotland & Fife, for attending the Europa League final in Seville on 18 May, while parliament is sitting.


This comes days after several Conservative MSPs criticised First Minster Nicola Sturgeon for travelling to the US on a business trip.


Commenting, Mr Wishart said:

“It is absolutely astounding and the height of hypocrisy to learn that Murdo Fraser is deserting his parliamentary responsibilities to go and watch a football match.

“Where it is fantastic for Rangers to be in this final, Murdo Fraser perhaps needs gently reminded that there is a Tory imposed cost of living crisis and a Covid recovery needing attended to. 

“The hypocrisy is only compounded by the fact that Murdo Fraser is the Scottish Conservatives’ Covid Recovery Spokesman, the very subject of Wednesday’s portfolio questions in the Scottish parliament, which he will be missing.

“All week the Scottish Tories have been bumping their gums about the First Minister visiting the United States to promote Scotland’s interests. Apparently standing up for Scotland is all bad whilst attending a football game is OK.

“Perthshire has rejected Murdo Fraser on multiple occasions and after this I’m sure he will be heading for another red card.”



  • Click here to view today’s ScotParl portfolio questions itinerary
  • For more information, please contact me on 07415 192 880

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